The outstanding combination between Somaderm and three young entrepreneurs

21/06/2022 08:53

What allows us to make a global impact can be like the hands of a clock, we will always have the letter U in mind, stay humble and motivated to achieve greatness.

What is Somaderm?

Transdermal SomaDerm Gel SomaDerm is an innovative and powerful transdermal blend containing proprietary homeopathic ingredients and nutrients. The key ingredients in SomaDerm have been shown in independent third-party tests to increase natural growth hormone levels by up to 800% in healthy volunteers.

Somaderm health support products

SomaDerm is made with the highest standards of herbs and natural, botanical ingredients. These raw products not only help to support healthy thyroid and thyroid function in the body but also help rejuvenate the body as we age.

Three young entrepreneurs

Pham Van Duc was born in 1991, born and raised in Kien Giang. He graduated from Nong Lam University with a major in Information Technology. On the journey to Somaderm, he worked in many fields such as: Traditional business, traditional specialty cake business, accessory business, MC for conferences and family health consultant.


Three young entrepreneurs

Nguyen Van Cuong was born in 1994, born and raised in the poor land of Ha Tinh. He graduated with a bachelor's degree from the University of Physical Education and Sports, majoring in sports training. Before coming to Somaderm, he had 5 years of experience in the field of crypto, a reputable OTC exchange, 7 years of experience in the field of sales system development.

Le Vo Hoang An was born in 1991, in 2010 moved to Ho Chi Minh City to establish a career with empty hands and also experienced many professions from workers to driving technology cars. Until now, he is determined to start a business and choose the Somaderm health support product line to bring to the Vietnamese market.

Why choose Somaderm as the main product for the combination?

All of you have gone through the exhausting process of searching for the right product line to help your family and loved ones, prevent and treat diseases such as joint pain, insomnia....

The combination of three young entrepreneurs and the health product line Somaderm

Having experienced many products, all three feel that Somaderm has outstanding capabilities, ensuring quality for consumers.

Since then, the three decided to shake hands and develop the Somaderm product line to hand to Vietnamese users with the aim of improving health and improving life.

The results that Somaderm brings

Somaderm is taking the world by storm. Find out how you can benefit from Somaderm, a blend of natural bioavailable HGH with homeopathic and botanical glands that contains a wide range of systemic health benefits. .

When money is lost, it means nothing, but when health is lost, it means you have lost something, when your character is no longer means you have nothing left to lose. So take care of your own health to protect your own family.

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